
wang W2 avatar image
wang W2 Suspended asked Joerg Vogel answered

pull item

hi everyone

i want pull items from upstream queue,which matched a global order list by sequence and qty ,like graph below,

how can i achevie this ?


FlexSim 7.7.4
pull strategy
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered

The feature tests if only one item is able to be received. A order table must be translated into a process that only one item is tested. You extract from the order table the attributes of the next item to get pulled. If the item is pulled you, you extract the next attribute.

Items attributes order to be pulled:

Type 2, Type 2, Type3, Type 3, Type 3, Type 4, Type 4, Type 4, Type 4, Type 3, Type 3, Type 2, ...

If you want to test the actual attribute, you can put the value into a label at the object, that is pulling. The pull requirement has got a picklist option for testing a label value to define the item to get pulled.
Your duty is to put the next value into label, if you have succeeded in pulling the item. You can update the label value in the OnEntry trigger.

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wang W2 avatar image wang W2 commented ·

thank you

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