
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
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Patrick Cloutier asked Patrick Cloutier commented

Flexsim 2020.0.2 crashes randomly if I use the distinct GPU

Flexsim 2020.0.2 crashes randomly if I use the distinct NVIDIA GPU (OpenGL recommended). No specific model. It just crashes after a few moment even if I open it and let it on a blank empty model.

But 2019.2.4. doesn't crash while using the GPU.

And 2020.0.2 doesn't crash if I put Open GL to Generic.

I've rebooted many times and it also does the same thing.

Could it be my GPU that's "broken"? I've had this computer for 2.5 years and no problems until now.

Any ideas?

FlexSim 20.0.2
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Patrick Cloutier commented

Might be an issue with your graphics driver. Perhaps your driver updated recently.

It could also be related to the settings you have specified in your Nvidia Control panel, such as Anti-aliasing settings. Different settings provide trade-offs between graphics memory usage, speed, and visual quality. If you are using settings that use a lot of graphics memory (VRAM) and then FlexSim tries to allocate more graphics memory than you have available, it will usually crash.

Try lowering your settings in the Nvidia Control Panel and in FlexSim's Global Preferences. Particularly check the shadow map resolution in FlexSim.

The graphics settings in the Nvidia Control Panel and in FlexSim can all be set on a per-version basis for FlexSim. So the settings that one version of FlexSim is using may be different than what another version is using. That difference may be the cause of the different behavior instead of an actual change in FlexSim.

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