In the "ReplenishProcessFlow" of the attached model, I want to attribute a nurse for each administration. For example, the first administration (patient in exam table 18) is performed by "Female1", the second administration (patient in exam table 17) is performed by "Female2" and the third administration (patient in exam table 16) is performed by "Female1".
I used "Object Nambe By Global Lookup Table" (the global table "AdminDestination" column 2) for "Move cart then administer" and "Move cart for next replenish" processes’ “staff”. Concerning "Replenish meds for administration" process, I used "Array of values" in "CUNurse1" in which I specified the values of the global table "AdminDestination" column 2. But, when I run the model, I get the errors in figure 1.
Would you please help me to fix this.