
Javier PL avatar image
Javier PL asked Matthew Gillespie commented

FlexSim Run Speed Slider

Hi there,

I got a model developed in FlexSim 19.0.0 and tried to upgrade it to the latest version of FlexSim (20.0.0 and so on). The model units are defined as hours for visualization purposes, although most tasks' durations are of the order of days. After upgrading without (almost) any issue, I set the Run Speed Slider as always to sufficiently advance the model while visualizing part of the movements that take place in it (Max. Speed does not suit me, as it ends the model run almost immediately). However, it advances much more slowly than in 19.0.0 version. Then I saw this within 19.2.0 release notes:

"Changed the run speed slider to behave as a ratio of real time instead of model units per second"

Well, so I tried to create a simple day-based model and run it but, even setting the speed (via the slider) to a very high value, time passes by extremely slowly, since it behaves now as a ratio of real time.

So, my question is, does it mean that now every time I need to set a higher speed I have to use the Custom Value option in the pop-up? (That would be really annoying and would also slower the modelling in my case)

Does it make sense for the speed slider to be in accordance with that ratio? Even if model units are days?

Thanks in advance, Javi

FlexSim 19.0.0
flexsim 19.0.0run speedspeed changerun speed slider
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Matthew Gillespie commented

Do any other users have comments about this issue? We would like to hear from you.

Please add your thoughts about this issue. The change was largely brought on by discussion regarding this other Answers thread:

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