
Jeremy R avatar image
Jeremy R asked anthony.johnson answered

SQL query on List using $ parameters

Is it possible to use $ parameters when querying a Global List?

When querying a Global Table, I can provide an SQL query as a string, and a number of $ parameters (to fill in fields designated as $1, $2, etc. in the query string) as additional arguments to Table.query.

However, when querying a Global List, List.pull has many other parameters related to the pull itself, so doesn't appear to have fields for $ parameters. Is there any such way to use them when making a query from FlexScript code?

It is possible to just fill in the query string using string concatenation, but I find the $ parameter syntax to be much cleaner. It also removes the need to worry about whether it's necessary to place quotes around a particular value (and prevents things breaking if a string value happens to include ' or ").

FlexSim 18.2.3
listsqlglobal listflexsim 18.2.3
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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
anthony.johnson answered

With lists, you use the puller keyword to pass in context data. Generally, the puller is the token associated with a pull from list activity, but you can specify something different. Once you've defined your puller, you can access labels on the puller as part of the query, e.g. puller.priority, puller.type, etc.

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