
Jaidit J avatar image
Jaidit J asked Ben Wilson edited

Did anybody see my questions below from this morning?

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tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered Ben Wilson edited

@Jaidit J,

Please review the Answers Best Practices document. This question is inappropriate on this forum for a number of reasons. As a reminder, this forum exists because of a community of FlexSim users who want to help others learn the software.

If you need consistent and reliable help building models in FlexSim, there are consultants available that are happy to help. Licensed users can also contact their local FlexSim representative for live phone or webmeeting support.

FlexSim also offers training classes. More information can be found on our website. We also have a few online tutorials that help users become comfortable with the software.

Your previous questions will be reviewed and answered by the FlexSim community, but please be patient. Thanks!

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