
Roi Sánchez avatar image
Roi Sánchez asked Roi Sánchez answered

Value not pushed to a list

Hello all,

We are having issues regarding some values that are not pushed to a list in spite of the corresponding tokens are on the push to list activities.

These values are unique flowitem`s references and we are using this list as a global one. I know I could share the model but it is a really big one that takes several hours to reach the issue. I took an screenshot of the list statistics to show what is happening. Apparently, values are entering the list but they were not pulled and they do not appear as content.

Does anybody come up with something that may be causing this?

FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3listglobal listpush to list
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Roi Sánchez avatar image
Roi Sánchez answered

Thanks @matt.long. We debugged the model and found out that the issue was happening because a pull order was created at same time and same partition as a push order. We solved it by putting a zone to limit this.

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Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Matt Long commented

My guess would be that you're pushing values onto the list that are already on the list. When you have Unique Values checked in the list properties, pushing the same value onto the list will increment your input stat but the content stat will remain unchanged. That's why it may appear that what you pushed isn't being added to the list.

Hopefully this helps!

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