
Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel asked anthony.johnson answered

Taskexecuter does not apply to right unload station from exit transfer

In an example model I use AGV path besides network node path to transport items to two conveyors with entry transfers. I transfer tasksequences for both involved taskexecuter by an dispatcher. An exit transfer creates the standard transport tasksequences. The items are send to port by the picklist option "by Expression" with default setting item.Type . The AGV taskexecuter mixes the unloadstation in spite of a destination is set to a single object. This happens only when the exit transfer is on one side of the conveyor. If I move the exit transfer to the standard end location, the item delivery applies to the set destination. I found this behavior in FlexSim 18.2.3 and 20.1.3


How can I get arround this behavior?
FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3flexsim 18.2.3exit transferdestination errorside transfers
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anthony.johnson avatar image
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anthony.johnson answered
@joerg.vogel This is a bug. We will hopefully fix this for the next release. The only way to get around this is to either put the transfer at the end of the conveyor, or feed the items into a queue at the end of the conveyor, and then send them from the queue.
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tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered Joerg Vogel commented


I believe the side transfer shown in your image extends far enough along the conveyor that two items can receive tasks at once. Because of this, the TE already has a task sequence in its queue with Conveyor item #2. In the meantime, if the second TE takes Conveyor item #1, then the first TE might grab the wrong one and take it to the incorrect port.

To prevent this from happening, you can shorten the length of the side transfer so that only one task sequence at a time is sent to the dispatcher.

Hope this helps solve the issue.


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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

@tanner.p, @anthony.johnson, @phil.bobo, my intention of a longer exit transfer belongs to the idea I can create tasksequences for more items available to transport at a time. This works only if a parameter like involved1 exactly references a unique item independent from the path of it in the tree. I have built models with Flexsim since version 2.6. And there was a time a parameter to reference an item had to be parsed as a number. And this reference was unique for each item in a model until it was recycled. That is exactly what I call a pointer. Now this seems not to be true anymore, if I interpret your answer correctly. I feel it makes current models less reliable than they were in the past.

I unaccepted this answer, because the current behavior of FlexSim engine and its unpredictable response of referencing items must be resolved to get a reliable simulation again for this feature of an exit transfer by one side of conveyors. Many Thanks for considering my thoughts about this subject and I hope you can understand my disappointments about it. Regards Jörg

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