
Gokulakrishnan Kandasamy avatar image
Gokulakrishnan Kandasamy asked Ben Wilson commented

How do i flush the queue group in sequential way?

C9_C15_C18 - Copy.fsm


In the attached model i tried to create a distribution process based on the item from the queue groups by using a single forklift in a sequential way.

While distributing the item should be flushed by batch as mentioned in the batching option in queue but it is not flushed as a batch. Can anyone help with that?

FlexSim 20.2.2
queueflexsim 20.2.2distributionssequencebatching grouping
c9-c15-c18-copy.fsm (65.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered


Looking at your model, the queues seem to flush as they are supposed to do. So maybe you could explain in a little more detail what is supposed to happen and when. Like, do you want each queue to be emptied before moving to the next queue? Which queue should go first, etc.

I took a guess as to what your are looking for which is, empty all the queues in order, see attached model.

Take a look at the model and see if something like this would work for you.



c9-c15-c18-jn1.fsm (67.8 KiB)
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