
Ádám GGN avatar image
Ádám GGN asked Ben Wilson commented

What is the problem with this event triggered source?

I don't know what could be the problem. In my opinion the problem is with the OnExiting event. I saw regular OnExit event that I cannot find here. Is there any differnces between this and the OnExit event?

FlexSim 20.2.2
sourceflexsim 20.2.2event triggereventevent source
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered


I think you might need to re-evaluate how you're listening to the variable. Normally, the OnExit trigger is fired for an object or activity that has an item or token, respectively, leave/exit it. Now, it seems like you're listening to a Process Flow Variable. A variable doesn't have items or tokens "exiting", as it is just a value.

However, you can listen to the variable "OnChange" or other options, as shown below, but the tokens shouldn't be entering and exiting a Variable. Hope this helps!

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