attached is a model that showed an error while saving the file.
In the error message was a hint, to report the problem to the tech support..
Not sure who is the best direct contact!?
attached is a model that showed an error while saving the file.
In the error message was a hint, to report the problem to the tech support..
Not sure who is the best direct contact!?
First things to ask in my mind are to check the target desination file space.
Are you hoping to recover something from this file or do you have an original file that won't save after some changes? If it's the latter what were the changes and can you upload the original with a description for someone to follow the steps to recreate the problem.
I don´t hope to recover the model. It was only a small example model for a training class. But I was wondering about the message. There is also no earlier stage of the model.
FlexSim locks up and crashes when I attempt to load the model file normally.
When I attempt to load the model into a node of an existing model, eventually the load finishes, but with exceptions in the system console and nothing loaded into the tree.
It seems the model has become corrupted, and this version of it is probably not recoverable.
As Jason suggested, your best bet is likely to go back to a previous version of the model file, from before this error.
Thanks for trying to help me.
I think this can be closed. The file is broken and there is no way to go on.
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