
Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen asked Ben Wilson commented

Old HC Function excel export replacement

In the old HC (5.3 ) there was a function to export all your results into 1 excel file from the experimenter. It looks like that function is no longer available and the closest you get is by going to the View Results and copy the statistics tables. But that is a manual action and can be somewhat time consuming if you have a lot of graphs. Is there a better way?

And if not, is it an option to add the functionality to export all the statistics table to excel in go?

FlexSim 20.2.3
experimenterflexsim 20.2.3excel export
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered

You can right-click on the People Statistics Tables section in the Toolbox to add all of them to the Excel export at once.

1605283172615.png (35.8 KiB)
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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

For Experiment data, there isn't an easy way to do an excel dump like old HC could. You'd need to write a script, or manually add the tables you need one by one for now. I'll make sure this question is on the dev list.

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