
Andy avatar image
Andy asked Ben Wilson commented

Cooperation between Operator and AGV

Dear everyone,

I am trying to use a process flow to simulate the cooperation between an operator and an AGV. In the model, the AGV stops once per 1000 seconds and goes to a certain place such as a control point(ControlPoint4). Meanwhile, the operator will take on the AGV's work and load/unload items. 1000 seconds later, the operator will stop, going to the control point, and the AGV will return and continue its work.

Here is my model, but I am unsure where to modify.

Thank you very much

Cooperation between operators and AGVs.fsm

FlexSim 20.2.3
agvprocessflowflexsim 20.2.3
· 1
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You have too many issues for me to mention. (I did list them here but the post was lost).

I advise you focus on getting items moved by the AGV as needed before you consider the operator and parking the AGV.

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