
Qingfeng Y avatar image
Qingfeng Y asked Qingfeng Y commented

How to produce item according to the picture?

FlexSim 19.2.4
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Qingfeng Y commented

@Qingfeng Y,

The attached FlexSim version 19.2 model uses a source that creates 100 items every day at 6AM (The model has a 6AM start time specified in the model settings).

All 100 items are immediately delivered to a processor at the same time at simulation time 0 (6AM). The processor has a max content of 100.

The processor's Process Time logic uses a dempirical() distribution to randomly assign each item to an arrival bucket, as defined in your arrival table, given in your question above.

The Global Table "itemArrivals" defines those arrival buckets, as well as the start time of each bucket (in hours, offset from 6AM) and the duration of each bucket (in hours).

The Process Time logic uses the randomly assigned arrival bucket to calculate an arrival offset for each item (when could it start arriving into the rest of the simulation) and generates a random offset within that arrival bucket's duration using a uniform distribution.

As items reach the queue after the processor, that represent the time that the item would enter your greater model. So the source, processor, and global table all work together to be the "source" of items into your model that conforms to your requirements.

If your percentages are exact rather than according to a dempirical, you would modify as needed. If the arrivals occur on the start of the arrival bucket, instead of randomly within the arrival bucket, you would modify as needed.

All this repeats after 86400 seconds (a 24 hour day), according to the arrival schedule defined on the source. Modify as needed.

The 100 qty can be changed by changing the quantity produced in the source's arrival schedule, and modifying the processor's max content accordingly.

Good luck!


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5 |100000

Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.

Qingfeng Y avatar image Qingfeng Y commented ·

Thanks a lot.

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