
Tee Hiett avatar image
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Tee Hiett asked Tee Hiett answered

Need help using label values in a statistical Collector

In the attached model of Corona's vaccination process, each patient must be observed for 15 minutes before leaving after the vaccination. To achieve this a patient enters the auditorium from the rear and goes to the leftmost available seat in the first row, the next patient goes to the next available seat, etc. The same process is followed for subsequent rows. When the first arrival on row one has been there for 15 minutes, he or she will depart through the exit on the upper left. When all the patients in a row have left, the next patient entering will go to the first available seat on that row and the process will continue for that row with subsequent patients feeling that row

With help from @Matthew Gillespie, I have developed the process whereby each patient has a label with the name "Used" which is set to 1 (Activity "Mark Seats Used") when acquired by a patient. When all the patient have left on a row, the value of "Used" will be set to 0 (custom code in Activity "Clear Row").

I can build a census chart of the patients in the auditorium but I would like to build a census chart of the seats which are unavailable (have the label "Used" with the value of one).

I have searched the help documentation and the answers.FlexSim site for any idea of how to do this but have not found any ideas

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

TeeCovid19 vaccinations auditorium_5.fsm

FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3labelshealthcarecharts
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Tee Hiett avatar image
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Tee Hiett answered

Thanks, @jason.lightfoot for the solution in your model:


and for clearing the problem with the website.

Your use of a list was right on time. I was trying, with no success, to use that approach. Your model not only solved my problem but will help learn about using Lists.

I will close this question and post additional questions that arise as I study the actives in your solution and learn more about using lists.


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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Tee Hiett converted comment to answer

The easiest way is to add a zone to the process flow that is global across the instances and then pin the zone statistics to a dashboard. Model attached.


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