
Robert F2 avatar image
Robert F2 asked Robert F2 answered

transporter extends forks too high


My FlexSim model uses a Transporter to unload pallets of items off of different racks. When I reset the model, the Transporter's forks extend why up high so when I run my model again I have to wait a very long time for the forks to come back down to the floor. I am not sure what could be causing this.

Upon attempting to upload my model, I realized the file size is quite large (37.7MB). I am not using a model background and the overall amount of fixed resources is not significant either. At time0 I create about 800 flow items and then stop creating any more. I am assuming the large file size is causing the visual issues.

If anyone has any ideas as to what could be causing the file size to be so large, please let me know.

FlexSim 20.0.0
FlexSim 20.1.0
flexsim 20.1.0transporterlarge filetransporter animationvisual issue
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1 Answer

Robert F2 avatar image
Robert F2 answered


I deleted the transporter and the racks in my model and replaced them with new ones. I also deleted the 3D media I had uploaded and this all helped with the issues I was experiencing. My model is running fine now, thank you all.

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