
Dawid Dabal avatar image
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Dawid Dabal asked Dam commented

Network nodes on plane connections are not refreshing after moving plane

(possible bug) Connections between network nodes on planes are not refreshing/updating after moving plane. They can be refreshed after changing location of the node.

FlexSim 21.0.3
flexsim 21.0.3network nodeplanecontainer
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Dawid Dabal commented

This has long been the case - the network nodes need to be moved for it to redraw. I'll send a note for the developers to consider.

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Dam avatar image
Dam answered Dam commented

This is a problem/bug that bothers me a lot and caused my analysis results to be wrong. The worst is that you may be unaware of it. Especially when you use the experimenter to change the position of the plane as a parameter.

See the example I have attached. During the simulation, the operator moves 2 items between the planes (result: time ~ 127, distance: ~ 238)

I change the position of the plane - the paths are broken and even a reset does not refresh them. Despite the longer distances, you will get the same (false) results (result: time ~ 127, distance: ~ 238).

Using flexscript I'm changing (+1, ..., - 1 z) node position, you can see that the network is refreshing (as proposed by @Dawid Dabal). It looks good. But you are wrong! Reset, run ... (result: time ~ 127, distance: ~ 238) (!)

Only "manual" movement of the node (+ -) also refreshes the network data (not only visually). Reser, run ... (result: time ~ 164, distance: ~ 311). Now correct!

So as you can see, it can lead to a lot of problems and errors. Now, I "touch" all the nodes by hand to make sure I get the correct results. But it is not elegant and very time-consuming.

@jason.lightfoot I think that this should be treated as a priority.

Maybe there is some "hidden" function to refresh the path network?



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