
Craig DIckson avatar image
Craig DIckson asked Craig DIckson commented

Fixed gap merge controller in FlexSim 21

I use the fixed gap merge controller process flow written by @anthony.johnson in several of my models.(

I just upgraded to FS 21.1 and they don't work now; nothing releases. I looked at the tokens in the process flow and my guess is it has to do with the new conveyor structure; it looks like the isn't able to read the needed parameters from the conveyors in the activity "Get Item Data", and this results in an infinite delay.

Thanks for your help,


FlexSim 21.1.1
flexsim 21.1.1fixed gap merge controller
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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
anthony.johnson answered Craig DIckson commented

Yes, the Gap-Optimizing Merge Controller process flow accessed values through means that were technically not forward-compatible, and the update to conveyor structure broke those references. In the most recent release, we've updated the process flow to use Object.getProperty(), which fixes this issue in a forward-compatible way. The main changes are in the Init Labels Assign Labels activity in the Lane Management section. Below is a screenshot of the new value references.

You can update your model to use these newer references, or you can just replace your process flow with the latest provided with the software. We should probably add an update script to do this automatically. I'll address this with the developer group.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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