
Daniel C19 avatar image
Daniel C19 asked Gabriel P2 answered

Table with time, workers and item in a different processors

How to create a scenario that:

- Have a table of items (100 items) as input;

- 2 Processors;

- 3 Workers;

- Each item has different processing times (triangular distribution);

- The items must go to specific processor according the table;

- The transport will be done by a worker;

- The worker must follow the process on the processor;

- Some of the items will need 1, 2 or 3 workers, as indicated in the table;

The table would be as below:

Item name | Processor number | Quantity of workers | Mode | Maximum | Minimum

FlexSim 21.1.0
FlexSim 21.0.1
flexsim 21.0.1doubt
5 |100000

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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Daniel C19 commented

Hello @Daniel C19,

You can create a global table in Flexsim that contains all the info you described. The objects in the model can reference that table and set the correct processing time and acquire the correct number of workers for that item.

It is easiest when the item "Type" corresponds to a row in the table so the connection can be as simple as Using the Global Table lookup. However, there are other ways to find the correct row in a Global Table if needed.

Here is a model that is a small example.

Global Table References.fsm

· 3
5 |100000

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Gabriel P2 avatar image
Gabriel P2 answered

One way to place the statistical distribution data in the global table is to select all the cells you want to reference, right-click and select the option Assign String Data. To reference this String cell, you need to use the executeCell method, so that the reference looks like this:

Table("globalTable1").executeCell(row, column)

1620682335086.jpeg (23.1 KiB)
5 |100000

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