
Mohammed_adnane T avatar image
Mohammed_adnane T asked Mohammed_adnane T commented

Transfer two items coming from the same source in parallel on a conveyor?

What I am trying to do is to to have two items coming from one source disposed and transferred in parallel. Also if it is possible to have them change their movement axis on a second convoyer later without changing their position (the model is for drywall transfer system)

FlexSim 21.1.4
conveyingparallel items
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Mohammed_adnane T commented

A possible solution is to combine them together. A second entering item is move as a subnode into the leading item. You will have to remove the second item instantly from the conveyor system because it is not inside a conveyor anymore. It is more a like child of the first leading item. You can set a Location in relation to the first and you can move the first item to get an offset in y-direction. But you must be aware of the fact that the FlexSim engine only recognize the first item until you separate the second one again.

The combining is a result of the command or activity called moveobject. As I said you have to set a well looking location of the second item on your own.

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