
Marcin M3 avatar image
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Marcin M3 asked Phil BoBo edited



Is it possible to export a recording / movie for Oculus?

I would like to present short movie of the model Flexsim in Oculus VR.

I would like to receive a ready file that I can just watch on Oculus VR. It is possible ?


FlexSim 21.1.4
vrparking pointmovieoculus go
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

To view a video in VR, the video needs to formatted as a '360 video' where each frame looks similar to this:


Each frame is rendered as a distorted image that shows the front, back, sides, top, and bottom all within the same view.

That way, when the video is playing, the video player software can read the motions of the head mounted device to render the portion of the image that the person is looking at onto the display.

FlexSim does not have a way to natively render 360 video like this right now.

To create a 360 video of a FlexSim model right now, you might need to record multiple videos of your model (each pointing one of 6 directions), and then combine those videos together using video editing software capable of stitching 360 videos that can be played in VR.

Right now, FlexSim's VR capabilities render directly to the headset based on its position. FlexSim doesn't currently have 360 video rendering capabilities.

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