
Santiago Serrano avatar image
Santiago Serrano asked api answered

Stop rotation of flowitem while rotate TaskExecuter

Hi All,

I am transporting a pallet with a TaskExecuter using A* to control the rotation time. But I would like to stop the pallet rotation (flowitem) at least visually.

Is it possible to use a trigger to control when the TaskExecuter starts rotating to move the pallet to the model and when it finishes rotating to move it back to theTaskExecuter?

thanks all,

FlexSim 20.1.0
flexsim 20.1.0avgrotate item
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api answered
Closing outdated question
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tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered Santiago Serrano commented

@Santiago Serrano,

I recommend using the Task Executer's On Draw trigger. I created an example of this that will maintain the object's orientation relative to the Task Executer. A link to the question can be found here. See if this would work. You might be able to just set the rotation to 0 at all times.


agv-fix-rotation.fsm (111.2 KiB)
· 1
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