
Yao H2 avatar image
Yao H2 asked Jeanette F answered

Model crashes when running by its own, but runs okay with the "step" button


One of my models seems to crash the software (software closed without messages and there was no "not responding" warnings) at a certain time point (about 12950 secs in the simulation).

When I ran the model to where the issue almost happened and used the "step" button to debug, the model was able to run past that time point. But if I click the "run" button, the model crashes again a bit later.

Appreciate any advice for further debugging. Thank you very much!

FlexSim 21.1.4
crashingsoftware crashing
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

Hello @Yao H2,

We are closing out this question. If you still are having problems that relate to this post, just unaccept this answer and/or comment back and we will assist you.

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