
10Dulkar avatar image
10Dulkar asked 10Dulkar answered

onReset open and close port not working.

hello, I am trying to control the number of successor a object should send part for processing. So I am opening and closing the input ports of the successor processors onreset. The program is not throwing any error. but its not working.

forexample i want to activate only 1 successive processor out of 3 so onreset I am closing the ports of all and then opening the port of only 1 processor. But when i run the model its sending parts to 2. and no matter what, it always send part to 2 processors, even if i open all 3 ports. Please check the program on reset and let me know what I am missing. question.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.0
flexsim 21.2.0onreset
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

The issue is that FlexSim automatically resets all connections to their default state (in this case open). This apparently happens after the "OnModelReset" trigger has run, so it overwrites your previous closing of the port.

If you instead close the ports in "On Reset" triggers on the processors itself, they will stay closed, as that trigger happens after the internal logic.

If you want to keep your code, you can instead use it in the "OnRunStart" model trigger. This one fires every time the model changes from a stopped to a running state. To make sure the ports are only closed on the initial start of the run, enclose your code in the following condition.

  1. if(Model.time == 0)
  2. { }

There is too little throughput through the first processor ("Zone11") to utilize all three connected processors. As Jörg Vogel mentioned, use a different option in "Send to Port" (for example "Round Robin") if you want to distribute the items differently.


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10Dulkar avatar image
10Dulkar answered

this is what i want. thank you.

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