
Martin K5 avatar image
Martin K5 asked Martin K5 commented

Find slot query for two different TaskExecuters


I have a problem with storing Boxes with agvs. I have two o them in my model and each of those take Boxes from one queue. I have a block - "find slot" with WHERE statement. What I want is to find an empty slot, but I need to avoid a collision, when one of those AGVs is on that position and that is where an error occurres. In the first "find slot" block I have defined the WHERE condition, which should do the difference between TaskExecuter28 and ControlPoint30 to tell, that this TaskExecuter28 is in this aisle and the another TaskExecuter29 needs to store items in another Rack. Is there anyone, that would like to help me please?

Thanks a lot.


FlexSim 21.2.1
avgflexsim 21.2.1
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1 Answer

Tomasz MG avatar image
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Tomasz MG answered Martin K5 commented


1. I have created a label on the racks with the aisle number.

2. I have created labels on AGVs in which I have assigned them numbers and will be assigning the alley they are in (dynamic label).

3. I put AGVs in a group because you cannot build logic for two separate AGVs with the same event trigger source.

4. In decide block I send token with conector equal to AGV number

5. With find slot block I'm looking for rack with different aisle number than second AGV

6. then I write the alley number of the rack onto the AGV label

Please find attached a model.


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