
Ryusuke T avatar image
Ryusuke T asked Felix Möhlmann edited

About the parameter of "Wait for Defined Delay Time"

I set "Wait for Defiened Delay Time" in "Way Point Logic" of "AGV Network Properties". The parameters set by default look like three as shown in the figure below.


However, when I check the source code, I can see parameters 4, 5 and 6. What do these parameters mean?

Also, if possible, can you tell me the meaning of the parameters used in the delayednode function?


Thank you for advance.

FlexSim 21.0.6
agvnetworkflexsim 21.0.6way point logic
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann edited

None of the values you type into the GUI are passed as parameters, but instead directly pasted into the code. (See the values for "maxRepeats", the condition of the nested "if" and the first value of the "delayednodefunction")

The first two "actual" parameters are references to the TaskExecuter and the control point, the third and fourth are actually unused as far as I can tell (maybe left over from an earlier version) and the last two are used for the functionality of the "delayednodefunction".

You can find information about commands under "Help -> Command Helper" which will open a new tab on the right side of the screen in the properties window. There you can search for the command which will give you a description of the function and its parameters.

The "delayednodefunction" (dlnf) will trigger this same codenode (parameter "c") to fire again after the defined time (second parameter; plain value entered in GUI, here "5") has elapsed. All other parameters of the "dlnf" are passed into the triggered function. Here the TE and control point are passed as the first two parameters (compare with the top of the code where those are assigned to variables). Parameters three and four don't serve any purpose. The fifth parameter is used to determine whether the function was triggered by "dlnf" or by a TE arriving at a control point. The "dlnf" passes in the value previously defined as "DELAY_TRIGGER_ID", in case it was by a TE that value would be 0. This way, the code knows whether to use the number of repeats that already happened (passed in as the sixth parameter) or start from 0, when comparing to the number of max. repeats.

I hope I explained it somewhat understandably.

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