
Amr Eltawil avatar image
Amr Eltawil asked Jason Lightfoot edited

want to make the TE flowitem (Truck) connect to a network node


I have a source that creates task executor flow items (trucks) that that's loaded by boxes from floor storage and move to a sink. I would like t want to control the path the truck travels to follow the network node.


FlexSim 21.2.1
flowitemnetwork nodetask executers
truck-nn.fsm (1.6 MiB)
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
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Ryan Clark answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Hello @Amr Eltawil,

You can learn more about how to use the network nodes and the Travel Network on this page. This information should help you figure out your problem.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have further questions!

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