
Aline L2 avatar image
Aline L2 asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Visual Text - TOTAL TRAVEL

Hi! I Need Help.

I'm Trying To Use Visual Text To Show Some Things Without Having To Create A Panel, But I Don't Know How To Do It.

For Example: I Have An Agv That Collects And Delivers Loads At Several Points, Would You Like To Show In The Visual Text The "Total Travel Dist" Is It Possible?

I Also Wanted To Show The Value Of A Variable Or Line And Column Of A Global Table Is It Possible?foto1.png

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

You can display any value in the model by leaving the setting of the text object at "Display Text" and type a reference to that value in the text field. If the value is a number, you have to use the "string.fromNum()" command to convert it into a string (text).

The travel distance of a task executer can be accessed with

  1. Model.find("TE_Name").as(Object).stats.totalTravelDistance

The complete syntax to display it on a text object would thus be

  1. string.fromNum(Model.find("TE_Name").as(Object).stats.totalTravelDistance, 2)
  2. // The "2" is the number of decimal places to display

For a global table value you'd use

  1. string.fromNum(Table("TableName")[row][col])

You can add together multiple strings with a "+" inbetween. For example to display a text in front of the value. Remember to enclose literal text in " ".

  1. "Table Value: " + string.fromNum(Table("TableName")[row][col])

One last tip: If typing a long expression into the small field gets annoying, you can open the code editor for that field and type the expression in the line that starts with "return" more comfortably.


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