
Sergio V6 avatar image
Sergio V6 asked Sergio V6 edited

How create subnodes using DLL Maker

I want to create a subnode using DLL Maker, using flexscript is like this:

  1. treenode node = node("MODEL:/Tools");
  2. node.subnodes.add();
  3. node.subnodes[node.subnodes.length].name = "MTBFMTTR";

There is a command in c++ DLL Maker (like CreateInstance()) that i can use to do this?

Thanks and regards!

FlexSim 21.2.3
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Sergio V6 commented

This is the FlexScript API reference: FlexScript Class Reference (

The FlexScript API is not accessible in C++ using the DLL Maker.

If you are using the DLL Maker, use the global Command Reference: Alphabetical Command Index (

Those functions are visible to both FlexScript and C++.

To add a node, use nodeinsertinto() or nodeinsertafter(). To create an instance of a class object, use createinstance().

Your FlexScript code above would be the following C++ code in the DLL Maker:

  1. treenode node = node("MODEL:/Tools");
  2. nodeinsertinto(node);
  3. setname(rank(node, content(node)), "MTBFMTTR");

or more succinctly:

  1. setname(nodeinsertinto(node("MODEL:/Tools")), "MTBFMTTR");

or cleaner:

  1. treenode toolNode = node("MODEL:/Tools");
  2. treenode newNode = nodeinsertinto(toolNode);
  3. setname(newNode, "MTBFMTTR");
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