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anon-user asked Jordan Johnson answered

OptQuest exception when adding Constraint

It seems this is a file specific, but constrains button doesn't work on this file. ( nothing happens.)
This plus button doesn't work with any Japanese version.
But only with the 21.0.3 English version, we can add constrains from this plus button.
(The newer English version doesn't work.)

We can't duplicate this with other files, so we're not sure what causes this problem.
If you have any idea on this, please let us know. This issues seems similar to
FlexSim 21.0.8
constraintsoptquest error
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

The issue is an extra node, "MODEL:/Tools/OptQuest/reference":


The top node is invalid, and should be deleted. Then you can add constraints.

This still leave the true bug, which is how that invalid node was created. I will add that issue to the dev list.

As far as translation, these nodes are not easily translated at the moment. If you change the name of "Equation", you'll need to also change the code in the main tree on line 19 of MAIN:/project/exec/optquest/definitionLogic/addConstraint. In addition, you'd need to change line 193 of MAIN:/project/exec/optquest/init. There may be other placed in the code that specifically mention "Equation", which would also need to be translated.

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