
Arun Raj avatar image
Arun Raj asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Change production shedule w.r.t rack storage

I am having 3 types of products
A = 200 nos
B = 150 nos
C = 300 nos
I am having rack where these items are stored and from rack it goes to processor. I have assigned separate bay for each items.
Now when bay storage reaches 90% with A , source should hold producing A and produce B item and when Item A in bay falls to 20%, source need to continue to produce remaining A.

Is there any way.

FlexSim 21.0.3
rackdecide by percentagesheduled source
· 2
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

I would suggest to use a process flow to create the items instead of a source, as this gives you much more options to control what gets created when.

In the attached model I use an instanced process flow connected to Queue1. Queue1 possesses an array label "ProdData". The first number in each entry is the number of items that should get created and the second number is the type (I use numbers instead of letters as this makes referencing the correct array index much easier). The third number signifies whether the production of this type is currently allowed/active (1 = active, 0 = inactive) and the fourth number is how many items of this type are currently stored in the rack.


A single token loops through the process flow and does the following steps. First it checks whether the capacity of the queue has been reached. If that is the case it waits until an item has exited the queue. Afterwards the ProdData label is checked for the first "active" entry that still has production queued (first number > 0). Then, the respective quantifier is reduced by one and an item of the type is created in the queue. If no eligible entry is found the token either waits until an item leaves the rack to check again if some entry has become "active". Or, if no quantity above zero is left, it goes to a sink, since all items have been created.

Setting the "active" value is handled by a different part of the process flow. Two event triggered sources react to items entering and leaving the rack. When an item enters, the stored quantity is incremented (fourth value in the array). If the stored number is above 108 (90%) the entry gets set as "inactive" (third value = 0). Conversely, when an item exits, the stored quantity is decremented and the active value is reset to 1 if the quantity falls below 24 (20%).


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