
Oscar C13 avatar image
Oscar C13 asked Felix Möhlmann edited

Problem with fluid splitter

I have a model with a fluid splitter. One of the tanks is closed until further notice. So I want only fluid to be sent to the other, but the fluid splitter wants compensate for the outflow and only tries to send the one that is closed. Any idea to fix that?


FlexSim 21.2.2
fluid splitter
fluidsplitter.fsm (28.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann edited

This is the intended behaviour.

"If there is not enough room in one of the downstream objects to receive the amount the Splitter has calculated, the amount sent to each port is reduced to keep the percentages correct."

If you want to change the percentages based on the port status you can change the values in the splitter's variables tree., when you open/close a port.

The following code, for example, makes the splitter send all fluid to the second port.

Object Splitter = Model.find("FluidSplitter1");
Table percentageTable = Splitter.find(">variables/recipetable");
percentageTable[1][2] = 0;
percentageTable[2][2] = 100;

Edit: Instead you could also simply use a third thank (with a small capacity) to split the fluid between the two destinations.


fluidsplitter-1.fsm (28.1 KiB)
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