
Somya S avatar image
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Somya S asked Preet commented

I am not able to upload the autocad file


FlexSim 22.1.1
importing autocad file
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Preet commented

Here's a summary of the things we troubleshot on the Zoom call for anyone interested in finding a solution to a similar problem. This is the documentation page for importing CAD Drawings for reference.

Ensure nothing else has the file open

When trying to upload the file as a background, there would be no visible layers in the "Layers" tab. This indicates the file wasn't uploaded properly. To fix this problem we saved the .dwg in a different location (i.e. the FlexSim Projects folder) and closed the CAD software. After this we tried to upload the file from the new file location and the layers loaded in properly.

Center the project around the origin

In the CAD software, the model was several thousand units away from the origin. You can see these coordinates at the bottom of the CAD program. So, you can either center the model around the origin in the CAD software or you can edit the Position X, Y variables in the Model Background Properties in FlexSim (under where you add the File Path for your .dwg file).

[Here's what the Model Background Properties window looks like. You can see a place to put the File Path and the X, Y, Z coordinates below with a "Scale to Model Units" in case you need to rescale your model]


The Model looks wrong after uploading (e.g. it's missing layers)

Even after importing and centering a model, it may look off. We suggest "cleaning" and preparing the file before attempting to upload it. You can find steps on how to prepare your file in the docs at Preparing Floor Plan Files Before Importing.

If you continue to have problems, let us know!

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