
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Ankur A3 commented


Hi Team,

I am using clerk 3D object as staff in model. I have changed the idle animation to UseTablet from quick properties. The problem is staff is not walking after serving 1st patient. Staff is only sliding.


Is it bug or do I need to change something?

Also how can I show tablet in animation?


Healthcare Version 21.1.5

Thank you!

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FlexSim HC (other)
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FlexSim HC (other)
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Ankur A3 commented

This is a bug. When the staff leaves the chair its starting its Stand animation, but it should look up the currently defined Idle animation and start that instead. We'll get this fixed for the next bug fix release.

A workaround you could use is to start the Walk animation on the staff before releasing them. This will stop the Stand animation from being started.


Please ask the tablet question as its own question.

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