
Zhengli Y avatar image
Zhengli Y asked CSN answered

software collapse when running a large model

Hi there. I'm working on a people-based model with roughly 100 objects and an associated process flow. However, every time I try to run the model, the program collapse. It seems that the model is too large and my computer can't run it (relatively small models can run successfully). I tried it on other computers, the best among them has CPU and GPU as shown in the picture with 16G RAM, which is still not enough to run the program. The RAM and CPU occupancy rise to 54% and 14% when running the model respectively. I'm wondering if I should buy more RAM or anything to make the model run.HC.fsm


FlexSim 19.0.0
software crashing
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1 Answer

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CSN answered

Hello, it is suggested that you can use the latest version of the software for modeling testing

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