
Samuele C avatar image
Samuele C asked Jeanette F commented

Is it possible to make a sequence of pick-pick-place for a robot?

In my project I need that a robot (Robot3) moves through 4 stations. In particular at first a new piece arrives, it moves it to a processor (laser) but before, by considering the regime case, it has to pick the product after laser (placed in laser end), then it moves to the silicone station and has to make the same task as before. I also upload the file since I have an error dealing with Pallet MBC out but it doesn't affect the simulation at all 6.fsmimmagine-2022-07-23-100242.jpg

FlexSim 22.0.1
operatorsrobotspick and place
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jeanette F commented

Just put it on a network:




If you need better control of the cycle you can try to give priorities to the tasks sequences generated by the transportdispatcher triggers, or create a process flow to create the tasks instead.

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