
Jorge_elias Gz avatar image
Jorge_elias Gz asked Andrew O commented

Only one operator transport all the items to processors

I build a model where items are stacked in a queue, after that 2 operators should pick items and work independently in their own processors, however the 1st operator is the one who always pick the items for both tables and I try to configure with fixed percentages, round robin, round robin if available. Can someone explain to me what am I doing wrong ?

FlexSim 22.1.3
transportoperator movement
· 2
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

You need a dispatcher object to manage job transfers (Tasksequences). You connect you queue instead of operators directly to an dispatcher. You connect the dispatcher with Object Connections (A-Type) to your Operators.


Box: Multi-Resource Dispatching Using a Dispatcher

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The 'Send to Port' option only controls where the item is send, not how (or who moves it),

The 'Use Transport' option is used for that and it is currently configured so that the centerobject with rank 1 (R1) will do all transports tasks from the queue.


The option has a reference to the port the respective item leaves through. So you can use this to specifiy that the centerobject with the corresponding rank should do the transport task.


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