
Anutt K avatar image
Anutt K asked Anutt K commented

AGV Charging by Using time Table.

I want to charging AGV from Time Table by reference by this picture.


A green area is a break time. So I want to charging when AGV are break.

What can I do anyway. Thank You.

FlexSim 22.2.1
time tablebattery chargeagv recharge
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Anutt K commented

You can define a time table for the charging behaviour. In the "Down Function", instead of stopping the object, you instead have it travel to a charging station.

In the attached example I use the function to send a message to the task executer. A process flow reacts to this message and creates a new task sequence. This sequence has the task executer travel to a charging station and wait there until the duration of the break has elapsed. The charging process is also started in the process flow once the task executer has arrived at the station.




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chargebreak.fsm (121.0 KiB)
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