
Joe L6 avatar image
Joe L6 asked Joe L6 commented

Processor breakdown every time finishing a process

Hi team,

Here's a situation that I want to simulate:

I have an oven that heats the food(10 seconds). Every time I finish heating the food, I will let the oven cool down for 20 seconds. During cool down the oven isn't allowed to use. And after finishing the cool down then the oven is allowed to use again.

PS: The time that the food arrive at the oven is unfixed. So I can't use the MTBF/MTTR function to set when the oven will breakdown.( Or maybe there's a way to reach my situation but I don't know yet. )

I build a model as below:



And how can I reach this situation? Thank you!

FlexSim 18.1.2
processormtbf mttrbreakdown
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Joe L6 commented

You can close the processor's input in the "On Process Finish" trigger and also send a message after a delay of 20s. In the "On Message" trigger the input can then be opened again.


Additionally, you could set the state to track the "cooling" time vs. the normal "idle" time.


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