
Ousmane avatar image
Ousmane asked Ousmane answered

Changing Global Variable

Hello, I'm working on a model where I use a global variable. I set a new value in my variable in a subflow but the global variable doesn't change until my subflow completes. I want my global variable to change automatically when i set a new value.

Can anyone help me with this problem?

Attached my model for mor details.

Mini modele preparation.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.2
sub flowglobal variableset value
· 2
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Allister Wilson avatar image Allister Wilson commented ·
I'm not seeing anything wrong when running your model.

Could you perhaps clarify at what simulation time you're seeing an issue, and what exactly is going wrong?

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Ousmane avatar image Ousmane Allister Wilson commented ·

When running the model look at the dashbord where i have the global variable value. it change only when the operator put the pallet on the queue. i attached a new version where i start the variable by 1, when i look at the variable in the dashboard, it change only when the operateur put the pallet on the queue. so from 1 it change to 3 and 6 , it jump 2, 4, 5......

do you get my point?

Mini modele preparation.fsm

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1 Answer

Ousmane avatar image
Ousmane answered

i found what was wrong in the model. it was the Article label which doesn't change has i want. i forget to put [creantionRank] in the previous version


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