I have a model
I want to convert the entire content of the model into python code
how to implement??
I have a model
I want to convert the entire content of the model into python code
how to implement??
Because the connection process has been executing the experimenter, the halfway experimenter can no longer be executed, so I hope to execute the whole process in python and not connect flexsim
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A FlexSim model consists of a tree structure of data used to instantiate C++ classes that are defined in the FlexSim application. The logic for running a FlexSim model is a combination of C++ class library code and executed scripts stored on tree nodes, internal FlexScript or external code (C++, Python, C#, etc.).
You cannot convert a model into Python code. The FlexSim application is required to execute the logic for the objects and activities in the model. The discrete event processing logic for running a FlexSim model is contained in the FlexSim application. You must use the FlexSim application to run a FlexSim model.
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