
Abullais avatar image
Abullais asked Natalie White edited

Carry multiple item at a time by one crane

Want to make the crane to carry multiple item at a time.crane_multiple_item.fsm

FlexSim 18.2.3
carry multiple item by crane
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1 Answer

Natalie White avatar image
Natalie White answered Natalie White edited

Hi @Abullais,

You can add this functionality by creating a label for the group of multiple items and using subflows which reference that label. Your process flow will look something like this:


Create a event-triggered source which references an item entering Queue 1. Then, push to your list. Under "Push Value," type token.item. Then, include a sink. (This task sequence will replace your current loop of Source, Pull from List, and Create Tokens).

Before Aquire Crane, add a Schedule Source of quantity 1.

After Acquire Crane, pull from your list. Under the properties of Pull from List, you can specify the number of items you want the crane to transport at once. The "Require Number" field is the minimum value of items, and the "Request Number" field is the maximum value of items, or the number the crane will default to if that amount is available to be pulled.

In the field below "Assign to," type token.GroupOfItems (This creates a label for the group of items to be transported by the crane together).


You can delete the Delay activities since they will be unnecessary. After Travel, add 2 Run Sub Flows. Create 2 task sequences off to the side: the first is Start (under Sub Flow), Load (under Task Sequences), and Finish (under Sub Flow), the second is Start (under Sub Flow), Unload (under Task Sequences), and Finish (under Sub Flow).

Next, you will edit the properties of your first Run Sub Flow activity. For the Destination field, you will sample the Start activity from the Load task sequence you just created. For the Quantity field, type token.GroupOfItems.length. Under Assign Labels to Children, add a label named "ItemRank" with a value of token.GroupOfItems[creationRank].


Repeat this process for you second Run Sub Flow activity. In your Destination field, sample the Start activity from the Unload task sequence.

Edit the "Load" activity so that the Item field says token.ItemRank.

Edit the "Unload" activity so that the Item field says token.ItemRank and the Station is Queue 2.

Make a connection from "Release" to "Source: Token for Crane."

For additional help with subflows, you can reference Task Logic Tutorial 3, linked here:


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