Is it possible to give two task executer delay at same time for same object, because i need to reflect the Previous station unloading and new station loading Stats in the state gantt.
Is it possible to give two task executer delay at same time for same object, because i need to reflect the Previous station unloading and new station loading Stats in the state gantt.
The answer is always yes, but I think we need to see your model to understand better and base it on your implementation so far. The process flow solution will differ from a coordinated task sequence solution for example.
Note: You use the term station which, in FlexSim, is usually a location on a network or conveyor system.
Station refers to the object in this question, My question is i have to give conveyance for station (Object-Basic TE), one will be loading conveyance and other one will be unloading conveyance. I have two parallel tokens, But what happens is after completing one Task executer delay, then next one starts. but my requirement is it has to start parallel.
for example lets consider loading time is 20sec and unloading time 25 sec - total conveyance time should be 25 sec(Loading and unloading will be done parallely)
but i am getting 45 sec because tokens not starting parallely
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Since you say you're using tokens you need to synchronize them before the delay which you can do with a synchronise activity, but with many tokens these make your process flow hard to see, so you can also just push and pull from a list to do the sync.
Yeah that's not going to test it. Here you go:
Wait - are you saying you want the same task executer to do both tasks in parallel? That's not supported in FlexSim. Also a single FlexSim object cannot be in two numeric states at once for the same profile without some conjuring and use of bitmasks. You can have two or more state profiles. But your example is setting the same state, so it probably isn't that.
Perhaps if you could be a little less abstract and describe the real life system you're trying to model we can better help you.
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