
ejust avatar image
ejust asked ejust answered

Looking for ways to showcase my models.

Hi there,

I am curious how the FlexSim simulation consultants showcase their work! what portfolio-specific platforms are they using to save their projects and share their expertise with clients?

I am looking for solutions/platforms that can comprise GIFs, videos, images, and documentation of models/projects.

Multiple answers are welcomed.

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Jon Abbott avatar image
Jon Abbott answered ejust commented

@Mustafa N, you can use something like WordPress to create a website with information about your projects. If you are interested in creating a GIF animation of a FlexSim simulation for the thumbnail images, try these steps:

  1. Use the Video Recorder feature in FlexSim to make an MP4 video of your model
  2. Use ffmpeg to make an animated GIF from the video you made in step 1. This post provides some information on the settings you will need to do that
  3. Test out the resulting GIF and make adjustments to the resolution and frame rate as needed so that the file size is reasonable for use on your website

Alternatively, you can take a screen recording and convert that to a GIF, without needing to use the Video Recorder feature in FlexSim. You could also use MP4 videos themselves on the website, but I recommend using a tool like HandBrake to compress the videos to a smaller file size first, while preserving quality. Keep in mind that some browsers may block automatically playing these. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!

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ejust avatar image
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ejust answered

In addition to WordPress, I found another great solution for static websites, which is GitHub Pages where you get to create a custom URL and choose from a wide range of very attractive themes/templates to build your portfolios.

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Jonah K avatar image
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Jonah K answered ejust edited

In the FlexSim software, you can create your own video demonstrating your model using Flypaths in the Presentation Builder and the Video Recorder. You can clean up your model with the Presentation Mode, and take screenshots with the Capture View panel.

How you share these videos, images, and even your .fsm files is entirely up to you and your client-- taking into account any confidentiality requirements. Since the release of FlexSim 23.2, you can now export and send Restricted Models to clients. You send the files in an email, or upload them to a cloud storage platform like Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive, or use any other platform the client is comfortable with, which retains the desired level of confidentiality.

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