
Peter avatar image
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Peter asked Peter commented

Pull all items from list that satisfy sql query


Is there a way in the to use the 'pull from list' block in a way that it pulls all entries from the list that satisfy the sql pull-query?

So for instance: I have 10 items on the list with an age. Then I want all items that are older than 20 s (WHERE age >= 20) to be pulled when 1 token arrives. So, for instance the 6 of the 10 items that are older than 20 s will be pulled.

How is that done?


FlexSim 23.2.2
list pullsql querypull item
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Peter commented

A token will pull at least as many entries as the Require number mandates, up to a maximum value which is represented by the Request number.

To potentially pull anywhere from 0 to all values on the list, set the request number to be very high (larger than the highest quantity of values you ever expect to be on the list at any time) and set the require number to 0.

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