
XiomaraG avatar image
XiomaraG asked Jeanette F commented

Order Picking is not working

I'm simulating the process of picking products from the racks based on some examples I saw here.

The general process flow for this process is presented below:

1699919540973.pngEach order comes with a given number of products and to a given customer. So, as I understand, I look for this product in the racks, then if it is available, it assign 0 to the slot, and finally it is supposed to assigned it to the order:

1699919512623.pngThe specific problem is that when the transporter arrives to the given Slot it is apparently empty. What am I missing?
Further question: I need to pick the pallets from the rack to prepare the order first and then pick up all the products needed (represented with boxes here). Where should I add this part in the process flow? Can the transporter go for all the boxes in one trip?simulación_autosave.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
transporterorder pickingwarehousing
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You've used in your pick/load activity 'item' but your label is 'Item'. Also - you should not travel to the item - you'll see the whole transporter travels vertically. You can instead just give it the load task for token.Item (capital 'I') and it will perform the offset travel correctly.

Yes you can have the transporter collect a number of items. To be realistic you should do some route planning, ordering by bay ascending and descending as the aisles are visited. You should also use a navigator to avoid travelling through the racks. You can find tutorials on all of these in the online documentation or you can check your academic institution's training materials.

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