
Christian_c21 avatar image
Christian_c21 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Single source with different flow items and colors for each item?

How can I use a single source to follow a 1 hr schedule that creates a total of 500 items. The items are boxes, cylinders , sphere. The amount of spheres & cylinders have different triangle distributions and the boxes are the remainder of the 500. All 3 flow items can be either red, blue, or black and the items have equal probability of being one of the colors. How can this be done?

FlexSim 23.2.1
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Felix Möhlmann commented

You cannot achieve a total discrete sum just by a statistical distribution. You need to integrate a balancing mechanism that adjust distribution parameters dynamically. Or you leave the path of total randomness and you let draw 500 values statistical distributed every hour that you scale to fit into an hour by a factor build from sum of all values and an hour.

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