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Esqueda asked Esqueda answered

Find item on specifi racks

I have two rack zones in different areas of my model warehouse, I need that a transporter looks for an specific item with an specific label but just in an specific group of racks, how do I do that using find item?


FlexSim 23.2.3
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

Use an address scheme that includes the Aisle and or Zone ID (the default scheme has both) and use those values to group the racks. Then filter by those value in the Find Item activity (WHERE zoneID == ...)


Alternatively you could also assign identifying labels to the racks and use those in the query (WHERE item.slot.storageObject.labelName == ...)

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Esqueda avatar image
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Esqueda answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Thanks, that worked perfectly, is it possible to do something similar with a queue, because its not letting me to add a Zone ID. I need the operator to grab something from a group of specific queues

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Esqueda answered

Instead of queues I used floor storage and worked perfectly, thank you!

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