
Baya avatar image
Baya asked Jeanette F commented

How to assign specific colors depending on the arrival time

build upstream of a small Pill Bottles manufacturing facility, there are four different pill types of drugs

“A, “B”, “C”, and “D”

All the labels (the Bottles’ information) will depend on the transactional data and will be assigned to each Pill Bottle once it is created

At first the “PillBottleGenerator” will create the Pill Bottles depending on their arrival time and their color that is in the “Color” column in the transactional data

Create the Pill Bottles depending on their color that is in the “Color” column in the transactional data

The colors are (blue, brown , green, orange, pink, purple, red, yellow)
I have created the generator, and from the flow item bin I picked a pill bottle

but I am struggling in how to match the colors for the bottles with the transactional table that contains the arrival time, drugtype(string), quantity (integer)
and how to make the color changes depending on the arrival time specifically

FlexSim 23.2.3
color changesimulationsmanufacturingarrival times
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Generally you would assign a label to the items when they are created that determines their color and then use the "Set Color by Case" option to change the color of the item.

If the items are created in a 3d source, a good place to do this is the "On Creation" trigger.

If they are created through Process Flow, the color would be changed in a "Change Visual" activity.

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