
abdo avatar image
abdo asked Jason Lightfoot edited

how to make route based on global table ?

i need to make a route of each product based on its name by using global table




but when i run the model that error appear

1710032087686.pngwhat should i do

trial 1.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
global tablerouting
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jason Lightfoot converted comment to answer

This error is telling you that there is missing a reference for a destination of a travel task. You need to build a process flow structure that assigns labels dynamically by progress in your model. Typically you evaluate on Entry event involved object to assign this data to your involved token. A assign labels activity will set a destination label upon involved object data by case.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Here's a better solution with a better data structure on which you can build/expand with no hard coding/modelling:



In a less trivial model you might choose to put the remaining process steps label on the item itself and not use the loop, and/or add some sychronization to processing events occuring in the Objects()/3D scope.


I'd recommend you also do the tutorials to get a better understanding of the basics.

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